New Study Shows Parents Overwhelmingly Agree with Video Game Ratings

November 14, 2005

(November 14th, 2005)

(NEW YORK) – Parents continue to overwhelmingly agree with computer and video game ratings assigned by the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) according to a study released today and conducted by leading opinion research firm Peter D. Hart Research Associates. The study shows that parents agree with the ESRB ratings 82% of the time, while another 5% of the time they think the ratings are “too strict.”

“As the ratings body for the video game industry, the ESRB’s effectiveness depends largely on how accurately its ratings reflect the attitudes of American parents. We are extremely pleased that, year after year, independent research shows such a high level of agreement with ESRB ratings among parents,” said ESRB president Patricia Vance. “It is clear from the research that ESRB game ratings continue to be extremely useful to parents, who are involved in over 80% of all purchase decisions.”

To read further about this study, click here [PDF].
