Spider-Man: Web of Shadows

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Windows PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Animated Blood, Drug Reference, Mild Language, Mild Suggestive Themes, Violence
No Interactive Elements
Rating Summary

Spider-Man: Web of Shadows is an action-adventure game in which players' choices steer Spider-Man towards acting either as hero or villain. Spider-Man uses a variety of weapons and finishing moves against both super heroes and creatures disguised as humans on a mission to save mankind from destructive forces. Black slime sprays and oozes from creatures when damage is sustained. In one cutscene Spider-Man rips apart a villain, although this injury is not permanent. The female characters wear form-fitting outfits and there are romantic themes with some mild sexual innuendo. The game contains some mild language (e.g., "damn," "hell," and "a*s"), as well as references to drug deals and a car-jacking.

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