- Music Downloads and/or Streams Not Rated by the ESRB (Xbox 360, PlayStation 3)
This is a music and rhythm simulation game in which players perform songs using on-screen Lego avatars with various instruments. Players simulate playing guitar, bass, and drums, and are scored based on the accuracy of the notes hit. Lego characters perform in and around fantasty-themed venues such as pirate ships, underwater domes, the moon, and a medieval castle. In this last-mentioned venue, a royal Lego army—equipped with swords, spears, arrows, and catapults—storms the castle; the band fights back with toy-like swords, improvising with guitar hits (licks?) and kicks to the chest. During some cutscenes, Lego characters engage in not so civil behavior: a hotel room is trashed; a character belches loudly into a microphone; and a dinosaur destroys an outhouse, leaving a solitary figure stranded on a toilet. Song lyrics occasionally reference violence (e.g., "Somebody's gonna die . . . My ex will start a fight"), use the expletive "hell," and seemingly allude to substance abuse (e.g., "Brain fried tonight through misuse . . . Without these pills you're let loose . . . Is it a monster?").