This is a puzzle-adventure game, based on the Nancy Drew Model Mystery Trilogy, in which players investigate a series of attempts to sabotage a friend's wedding. Players can search for and uncover clues by finding hidden objects on screens full of jumbled objects. The storyline contains references to acts of stalking, harassment, and murder; these subjects are discussed by characters in text or found in threatening letters: "I was going to say—Murderous"; "Enjoy being newlyweds. You won't be alive for long"; and "Another murder attempt?!" A handful of cutscenes may be slightly unsettling: a punch bowl spiked with gasoline causes a character to get sick and go to the hospital; poisonous lionfish are used in a trap to harm a character; and characters fish out a mannequin floating face-down in a pool. The game also contains a brief alcohol reference (e.g., "The Mead here is great!").