Sin and Punishment 2: Star Successor

Wii, Wii U
Fantasy Violence
  • Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB (Wii)
Rating Summary

This is a third-person shooter in which players fight through waves of futuristic enemies sent by an evil interplanetary organization. Action is seen from behind the character, with limited movement around the screen (i.e., "rail shooter"); though players can traverse through destroyed cities, desert wastelands, and underwater tunnels— jetpacks and hover boards make travel easier. While military soldiers will sometimes attack with rocket launchers, machine guns, and laser rifles, most enemies are of the robotic variety (e.g., "mechs," tarantula-style gunners, floating orbs, etc.). The fighting is fast-paced and constant, as players use canon blasts and laser guns to shoot hundreds and hundreds of enemies that explode and disappear from the screen. In one cutscene, a character appears to be impaled on a steel beam but then jumps up and continues her mission. Overall, the anime art-style, the cascade of lights, and the unrealistic enemies—flying fish and crabs are vaporized, points flash on the screen—lessen the impact of the violence, despite the frenetic (and often loud) laser fire.

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