This is a role-playing game in which players live the life of a high school student: homecoming kings, the pursuit of good grades, cars, football. Choices are made at every turn (via a text-based menu screen), as players interact with brief still-screen vignettes that progress the storyline. A handful of these vignettes include suggestive dialogue (3% of total gameplay): "No one's kissed me like that since that CPR class"; "But then, just as it gets steamy, [she] sharply pulls away"; and "Oh yeah . . . keep going . . . Bite my ear, you saucy trumpet!" Characters also gossip about "hooking up" and "once-in-a-lifetime make-out opportunities," but there are never any depictions of kissing or said "opportunities." And in one sequence, a boyfriend and girlfriend end their date with conversation and sleep: "Sometimes, when it's dark . . . I get scared" and "Shh. Shh. Just get some sleep." The game also includes a joke about serial killers (victims being "pretty female Chihuahuas"), an initiation into a mosh pit, and a critique on horror cinema ("I am sooooo not into these torture flicks!").