In this adventure game, players assume the role of a penguin-like character, Prinny, that travels through time to solve a mystery in the fictional land of the Netherworld. Players make several choices in the game's dialogue to branch out the plotline into multiple endings. Some of the choices lead to brief exchanges that depict violence: small characters getting punched, thrown into walls, attacked by weapons (lasers, pistols, and missiles). Two human characters wear revealing costumes that expose a lot of cleavage; in one sequence, a boy uses a claw to tug on one of the woman's breasts. Dialogue includes comments such as "I'm more interested in your sexy body" and "Wait, no! I don't play for that team." There are also several references to breast size; for example, "Your big boobs are giving me a headache," "You told her she's flat-chested," and "Does your brain not get enough nutrients because your boobs absorb them first?" Characters use language such as "b*tch," "a*s," and "hell" in the dialogue.