This is a "point-and-click" adventure game in which players control private detectives, a wily dog named Sam and a sarcastic rabbit called Max, through a comical episode of mystery case-solving. The storyline is infused with one-liners and running jokes that are based largely on play-on-words and tongue-in-cheek humor; for example, "Methinks Khestimpum was overcompensating for something in the asp department," "I'm saving myself for Lord Sammunmak! Isn't he, like, ten? Now. But in a few years, growwwwwl!" and "I personally checked the hundred-and-sixty thousand orifices of twenty-thousand guests at the security checkpoint. . . " Dialogue contains language such as "damn" and "hell," and a reference to alcohol (e.g., ". . . drinking a tainted vessel of barley beer…"). During the course of the game, players can engage in gladiatorial bouts in which players use taunts or attacks to defeat their opponent. These bouts include "finishing moves" in which characters get pummeled off screen, and a stabbing attack with a corkscrew.