Dark Souls

Namco Bandai Games America
amazon.com bestbuy.com gamestop.com target.com walmart.com gamefly.com
Windows PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Blood and Gore, Partial Nudity, Violence
  • Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB
Rating Summary
This is an adventure role-playing game in which players must battle monsters and collect souls to lift an undead curse across the land. Players use swords, axes, and magic arrows to kill zombies, demons, giant spiders, and other fantasy creatures in both ranged attacks and melee-style combat. Players can also use stealth attacks (e.g., stabbing) to dispatch enemies at close range. Battles are accompanied by slashing sounds, cries of pain, and large splashes of blood. Blood pools may also appear on the ground, and some environments depict flaming bodies impaled on spikes. Boss battles include instances of dismemberment and decapitation (e.g., cutting off a gargoyle's tail, slicing multiple heads off a dragon). During the course of the game, one female enemy's breasts are barely obscured by strands of hair; some bird-like humanoids are also depicted with exposed buttocks.

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