Nintendo 3DS
Blood, Crude Humor, Fantasy Violence
- Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB
Rating Summary
This is an action-adventure game (with role-playing elements) in which players hunt fantastical monsters and complete quests while in the service of a village chief. Players battle dinosaurs, dragons, and giant insects in real-time, close-quarter combat. Characters can use a variety of weapons including swords, lances, bombs, and “bowguns” (firearm-like crossbows) to attack creatures. Combat is accompanied by red blood-like spurts that flash briefly when hits are successful. During some combat, players can use “dung bombs” that result in greenish brown clouds. Characters can also track creatures from their droppings, which are humorously described: “That's right: monster poop. The odor reveals (too) much about the monster's diet.”