PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language
No Interactive Elements
Rating Summary
This is an action game in which players assume the role of Raiden, a cybernetic soldier on a mission to stop a futuristic terrorist organization. Players use swords, guns, and rocket launchers to kill enemy cyborgs and giant robots in frenetic melee-style combat. Players can also employ stealth tactics (e.g., impaling/stabbing enemies close-up) to eliminate targets. Combat is fast-paced and frenetic, with realistic gunfire, explosions, and cries of pain. Exaggerated blood splashes occur frequently when enemies are injured, and slow-motion effects highlight various finishing moves (e.g., dismembering enemies). Some cut scenes also depict intense acts of violence: a character impaled in slow motion; a close-up angles of dismemberment; a character's heart ripped out. The words “f**k” and “sh*t” can be heard in dialogue.