Far Cry 4

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Windows PC, PlayStation 4, Stadia, Xbox One
Blood, Intense Violence, Nudity, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Use of Drugs
  • Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB
Rating Summary
This is a first-person shooter in which players assume the role of a man (Ajay Ghale) returning to his ancestral home to spread his mother's ashes. Players engage in a variety of frenetic combat missions and use machine guns, pistols, shotguns, knives, and explosives to kill enemy fighters amid mountainous environments. Players can also perform stealth attacks (i.e., sneaking up on enemies and slitting throats/stabbing chests). Battles are highlighted by screams of pain, realistic gunfire, and large blood-splatter effects. Some levels/cutscenes depict further violence: characters tortured via electrocution, stabbed repeatedly in the neck, executed with bladed weapons. The game includes some sexual/suggestive material, including dialogue referencing sexual activity (e.g., “The army forces us to take drugs and then gives us more if we do sex for wealthy men”; “Some of the people in my village, the army forced them to become prostitutes”; “I think sex is fun;” “[I] was with this girl and she was into some crazy S&M. . .”). In one battle sequence, a man's genitals are briefly exposed while falling/being attacked. During the course of the game, two characters are depicted smoking marijuana; players' character also consumes the drug, resulting in blurred-screen effects and occasional hallucinations. The words “f**k,” “sh*t,” and “a*shole” appear in the dialogue.

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