Yo-Kai Watch

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Nintendo 3DS
Comic Mischief, Mild Fantasy Violence
No Interactive Elements
Rating Summary
This is a role-playing game in which players search for and capture ghost-like creatures (Yo-Kai) around a city. Players identify and interact with various Yo-Kai, earn their friendship, and use them in turn-based combat against other creatures. Damage is indicated by colorful light effects, smacking/zapping sounds, and depleting hit points. The dialogue includes some references to violence (e.g.,“This will only hurt for a minute...After I cut your heart out...You won't feel a thing."). The game includes several depictions and references to bodily functions: a Yo-Kai called Snotsolong with mucus dripping from its nose; Yo-Kai (Cheeksqueek and Buttsqueek) with buttocks for heads that use flatulence-like attacks (Text reads “Emits an evil fart that significantly lowers the SPD of its enemies.”).

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