Far Cry 5

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Windows PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Use of Drugs and Alcohol
  • Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB
Rating Summary
This is a first-person shooter in which players assume the role of a sheriff's deputy as he battles religious zealots in Montana. Players explore the open-world environment and engage in combat missions to liberate enemy compounds/outposts, rescue hostages, and battle enemy militia. Players use machine guns, bows, flamethrowers, and explosives to kill enemies in frenetic combat; combat is highlighted by realistic gunfire, large explosions, and blood-splatter effects. Stealth attacks (e.g., strangling, stabbing, snapping enemies' necks) are also used to take out unsuspecting guards discreetly. Cutscenes depict additional acts of intense violence: a man shooting himself in the head; a character repeatedly being electrocuted during an interrogation scene; a man cutting a large swath of skin off a character's chest. Mutilated corpses can be found in some areas of the environment. The game contains references to sex in the dialogue (e.g., “Now it's time for me to find some p*ssy to eat,” “But at night it was a goddamn red-light district just women selling their p*ssies everywhere,” and “Do not finger blast girls here.”). During the course of the game, players can consume alcohol, resulting in a screen-blurring effect. Several sequences reference drugs in dialogue (e.g., “She took to a needle for help,” “…like some bad pagan acid trip,” “…they all got hooked to what is now commonly referred to as opium!”). Players may also consume homeopathic drugs (e.g., “Fast,” “Furious”) that boost players' abilities and skills; one drug (oregano) blurs the screen when consumed and is described as, "Surprisingly good in brownies." The words “f**k” and “c*nt” are heard in the game.

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