PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch
Blood, Crude Humor, Drug Reference, Language, Suggestive Themes, Use of Alcohol and Tobacco, Violence
- Users Interact (PlayStation 4)
Rating Summary
This is a strategy game in which players build a small town and complete objectives related to their residents' happiness. Players manage a team of construction workers, foremen, and repairmen used to build and maintain a variety of buildings. As players compete against opponents with the same objectives, they can hire characters (e.g., thieves, thugs, clowns, handymen) to attack opponents' construction sites and/or unruly tenants' homes. From a top-down perspective, characters engage in fistfights, shoot guns, and throw Molotov cocktails against opponents. Characters sometimes emit splashes of blood when struck or shot; larger blood stains are depicted on the walls and floors of a torture chamber. Some areas of the game contain suggestive items: a box in a pawn shop labeled “Inflatable Girlfriend”; a box in a biker bar labeled “Do not open Gimp Inside.” Players can also manage the “breeding” capabilities of their tenants in order to gain more workers and tenants; players can encourage faster breeding by upgrading bedroom size and décor. The game includes several instances of bathroom/crude humor: characters emitting flatulence; a "poo coil" floating in a flooded room; a boy picking mucus out of his nose. Some characters smoke cigarettes during idle animations; other characters can be seen tossing around kegs (labeled "Beer") and drinking from them. Tenants, described as "Hippies," occasionally reference drug paraphernalia (e.g., “The bong's caught fire again!”). The word “a*s” appears in the dialogue; a garden-gnome ornament is depicted holding up its middle finger.