
Raging Loop

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PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch
Blood, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Violence
No Interactive Elements
Rating Summary
This is a visual novel/horror game in which players follow the story of a graduate student (Haruaki Fusaishi) who finds himself in an occult settlement after an accident. As players progress through the story, they make various choices to uncover characters' identities. Some choices can lead to instances of violence: a woman stabbed in the chest; characters punched and kicked in the face; a girl shot in the head (off-screen). Blood appears in several of these stylized, mostly still-screen sequences; one scene depicts blood splashes accompanied by graphic descriptions of violence (e.g., “…[T]he ax sunk into [his] neck. Blood burst out of the wound, then started bubbling out ceaselessly…Thus I swung it down again…His lead left his body before the tenth swing.”). The game also contains some sexual material: a character stating “Eat my human banana” as he pulls down another character's pants—no nudity is depicted; a man restrained by a female creature's tentacles; a female character straddling a man, with descriptive detail (e.g., “With her every breath, I felt the hardness of her pelvis despite all the cloth between us…her arms went deep inside, her fingers lustfully searched for my sensitive spots.”). The words “f**k,” “sh*t,” and “a*shole” appear in the game.

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