Windows PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series
Fantasy Violence
No Interactive Elements
Rating Summary
This is a role-playing game in which players assume the role of a monster tamer trying to stop an evil force. From a top-down perspective, players explore a fantasy world, interact with other tamers, and battle creatures (Nexomon) in turn-based combat. Players select attack moves (e.g., Bite, Splash) from a menu screen, which can result in smacking/zapping sounds, light bursts, and depletion of creatures' health meters. A boxing scene depicts human characters dizzied and knocked to the ground, with screen-shaking effects. Some text/situations add to the somewhat dark tone (e.g., “I will terminate you” and “I bring demise to your kind”; houses on fire due to trouble-making tamers; human bodies that stay on the ground when defeated).