PlayStation 5, Xbox Series
Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language
- In-Game Purchases
Rating Summary
This is a survival-horror game in which players assume the role of a man searching for his missing wife. From a first-person perspective, players explore a decrepit mansion and surrounding areas, search for clues, and battle mutated humans and creatures. Players use pistols, shotguns, machine guns, chainsaws, flamethrowers, and explosives to kill enemies. Combat is highly frenetic, accompanied by gunfire, explosions, and large blood-splatter effects. Some weapons/attacks result in decapitation and/or dismemberment of enemies. Enemy attacks (e.g., chainsaws, knives, shovels) can also result in players' character getting impaled and/or dismembered. Cutscenes also depict further instances of intense violence and blood/gore: a character's head cut in half, with exposed brain visible; a character shooting himself in the face, with accompanying gore; the top half of a character's body exploding, with depictions of exposed guts/viscera; two characters tortured, with their fingers cut off. Eviscerated animals and mutilated corpses are depicted in several environments. The word “f**k” appears in the game.