PlayStation 5
Blood and Gore, Drug Reference, Mild Language, Violence
No Interactive Elements
Rating Summary
This is an action-adventure game in which players assume the role of Indiana Jones on an adventure to uncover a mystery while defeating villains. From a first-person perspective, players explore various locations (e.g., catacombs, tombs, ruins) while solving puzzles and engaging in hand-to hand combat against enemy soldiers. Players can perform stealth attacks and whip attacks to take out enemies discreetly. Players can occasionally use rifles, machine guns, and objects (e.g., shovels, brooms) kill enemies. Combat is accompanied by impact sounds, realistic gunfire, and small blood-splatter effects. One sequence depicts a severed arm on the ground; another sequence depicts a corpse impaled on a spike trap, with small blood stains. The text in the game briefly references drugs (e.g., “I tried morphine; but the drug has given only transient surcease"; “Do not think from my slavery to morphine that I am a weakling..."). The words “a*s,” “bastard,” and “p*ss” are heard in the game.